2022 ONE Teaching Award - Deadline 30th April

When:  Apr 30, 2022 from 09:00 to 17:00 (BST)

2022 ONE Teaching Award

Call for Nominations


Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) division of the Academy of Management invites nominations, including self-nominations, for the 2022 ONE Teaching Award. This award recognizes and celebrates teaching accomplishments in the classroom and in educational publications. The award advances the teaching aims of the ONE division by promoting learning in the area of relationships between organizations and the natural environment. These significant relationships need improvement to support the continued existence, development, and management of human organizations and societies. The pollution of air, water, and land, and the depletion of both renewable and nonrenewable resources as a result of actions of formal organizations are the most obvious manifestations of these relationships. Future generations require the related education to support them in meeting these challenges and it is the current generation of scholars that will enable change through this education.


The award will be given to impactful teaching and/or pedagogical research based on a teaching record over the past 5 years (calendar years 2017-2021 inclusive) that demonstrates diverse teaching expertise at the undergraduate, graduate and/or executive/practitioner levels. It is not necessary to have taught at all of these levels to apply for the award, but it is considered advantageous to have experience over at least a couple of these levels. Consideration for this will be given based on the teaching opportunities at the particular institution where some universities do not offer a full range of degrees and/or have a particular focus. The nomination letter should outline any special circumstances related to this issue.


Selection Criteria


  • A demonstrated record of teaching on ONE domain topics, including development of teaching materials
  • Publications on teaching/education topics with a ONE orientation
  • Work with practitioners and/or in entrepreneurial/experiential learning settings with students to promote environmentally sensitive policies and practices, either locally and/or internationally
  • Promote holistic, integrative, and interdisciplinary ONE learning as demonstrated by course or curriculum development, teaching practice, pedagogical publications, or other means.
  • Willingness to participate in future ONE Teaching Award presentations and the award selection process.



  • Any current ONE Division Academy of Management member

Nomination Procedure

  1. Letter of nomination detailing accomplishments and reasons for the nomination (maximum 5 pages)
  2. Curriculum vita (abbreviated to highlight relevant teaching, achievement, service, and scholarship from the 5-year period)
  3. One sample syllabus from a ONE-themed class (abbreviated, if needed), including evidence of teaching effectiveness
  4. One ONE-themed educational/pedagogical publication, if available
  5. Two letters of recommendation from former students attesting to the impact of the teaching
  6. Pages should be numbered with a maximum of 20 pages for the entire submission.
  7. Nomination packets should be uploaded as a single PDF file: https://forms.gle/PvmF33TvtEvNo6mj7 no later than April 30, 2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern time zone.
  8. For questions, please contact Nancy Landrum at nlandrum@luc.edu

Selection Committee

  • Members of the ONE Teaching Committee
  • One member of the ONE Executive Committee
  • Last year’s ONE Teaching Award winner


  • April 30 - deadline for submissions, 11:59 pm Eastern time zone.
  • August - The winner will be announced at the ONE business meeting during the Academy of Management annual conference