Organizations and the Natural Environment Constitution
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Article I - Name
The name of this organization is the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management, or, ONE, referred to either by letter or as a complete word-acronym.
Article II - Purposes and Strategies
The Organizations and the Natural Environment Division is dedicated to the advancement of research, teaching, and service in the area of relationships between organizations and the natural environment. We believe that these interactions may be among the most significant components in the continued existence, development, and management of human organizations and societies. The pollution of air, water, and land, and the depletion of both renewable and non-renewable resources as a result of actions of formal organizations are the most obvious manifestations of these interactions and relationships. This Division focuses its scholarly attention on the status, causes, and effects of these and other opportunities and problems that human organizations and societies encounter in co-existing with the natural environment, whether that environment is the workplace, the local community, or the global ecosystem.
The objectives of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division are: 1) to promote scholarship on the topics above among its members and to provide a channel for such scholarship via Academy paper sessions and symposia; 2) to develop a network of scholars interested in these topics through electronic media and social gatherings at the Academy annual meetings; 3) to promote environmental management practices for the Academy itself by educating other Academy members as appropriate; and, 4) to encourage scholars and students in related business disciplines and in related non- business disciplines (e.g., environmental sciences, environmental engineering, environmental law, and environmental ethics) to participate in the Academy and to work with practitioners in these fields to promote environmentally-sensitive policies and practices worldwide.
The unique contributions or distinctive competencies of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division include: 1) a central focus on the reality that organizational and societal survival and development depend upon effective, sustainable interactions and relationships with the natural environment; 2) a realization that the immensely complex and powerful natural environment should neither be taken for granted nor appended as an afterthought in organizational decision-making and action- taking; 3) a willingness to draw upon a wide diversity of theoretical perspectives from various management sub fields and root disciplines, and to apply these efforts to understand the various facets of the organization/natural environment interface; 4) a recognition that this organization/natural environment interface involves all organizational management disciplines; and, 5) an ability and willingness to work with academics and practitioners in fields related to environmental management (e.g., ecology, engineering, law, health economics, and philosophy), so that our research, teaching, and service develop the cross-disciplinary approaches we believe are necessary for addressing the vast array of opportunities and problems in organization/natural environment relationships.
The domain of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division is the research, theories, and practices regarding relationships of organizations and the natural environment, including ecological sustainability, environmental philosophies and strategies, ecological performance, environmental entrepreneurship, environmental product and service industries, pollution control and prevention, waste minimization, industrial ecology, total quality environmental management, environmental auditing and information systems, managing human resources for sustainability, ecological crisis management, natural resources and systems management, protection and restoration, interactions of systems management, interactions of environmental stakeholders, environmental policies, environmental attitudes and decision-making, and international/comparative dimensions of these topics. As the natural environment is integral in all individual, organizational, and societal activity, this Division encourages holistic, integrative and interdisciplinary analysis. It promotes joint exploration of these topics with all other disciplines and Academy units.
Article III - Membership
Membership in ONE is open to all members of the Academy of Management who are in good standing and interested in ONE's purposes and strategies.
Article IV - Structures and Processes
The elected positions of responsibility in ONE are: Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, Program Chair- Elect and the Team Chairs of the Membership/Nomination, Integration/ Internationalization, Teaching, Greening, Awards and Communications Teams. These officers and chairs constitute the Governing Board of ONE. These officers and chairs constitute the Governing Board of ONE. The Chair calls and conducts all general and special meetings of ONE, with the Chair-Elect performing these responsibilities in the absence or unavailability of the Chair. The Program Chair designs and coordinates the annual meeting program and calls and conducts any meeting of the Program Team, with the Program Chair-Elect performing these responsibilities in the absence or unavailability of the Program Chair. The Program Chair-Elect is responsible for the ONE Professional Development Workshop (pre-convention) program. The Team Chairs, or their designees, conduct any meetings of their respective teams.
The Chair is also responsible for managing and approving expenditures in the ONE budget and for making interim appointments, when necessary. In addition, the Chair, with the advice of the Executive Committee, may appoint such additional Standing or Ad Hoc Committees or appointing non-voting ex-officio members to Committees, as he or she may believe are necessary. The Chair or his/her designee is responsible for moderating the Division's official discussion forum within AOMConnect, which complements the Membership Data Generator provided by the Academy of Management, access to which on the part of officers is also the prerogative of the Chair. The Chair-Elect performs these responsibilities in the absence or unavailability of the Chair, or as delegated any of these duties by the Chair.
The Communications Team Chair, in consultation with the Chair, is responsible for publishing the ONE newsletter, maintaining the ONE website, moderating discussion within the ONE group of AOMConnect. The ONE Treasurer shall be appointed by the ONE officers every three years, to serve a 3 year term. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to maintain ONE's financial records, interact and communicate with the Academy of Management financial officer, submit all requests for financial disbursements, participate in drafting a financial plan for ONE, report on ONE's finances to the ONE officers, and present a financial report at the annual ONE business meeting.
The ONE Secretary Historian shall be appointed by the ONE officers every three years, to serve a 3 year term. The duties of the Secretary Historian shall be to record minutes of ONE business meetings, maintain a history of ONE and ensure that officer, team member and award winner names are centrally filed on the ONE website.
ONE meetings are conducted using a consensus decision-making approach; when consensus does not emerge, a majority of those attending any given meeting may decide to use Roberts Rules of Order, or some other meeting decision-making approach that includes wide participation. ONE values consensus-based decision-making, and strives to seek input regarding official decisions from all officers, teams, and the general membership where relevant and feasible.
Article V - Elections
The Positions of Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, and Program Chair-Elect are elected annually, with the Chair making appointments for any vacancies in the interim between elections. All official team members are elected, and, except for the Program Chair, who is automatically the chair of the Program Team, all official team members are eligible to select their respective Team Chairs, using a selection method of their choice. All teams are encouraged to involve the general ONE membership in the capacity of non-elected team members (up to two per team). Except for Program Chair and Program Chair-Elect, all team members' terms are 3 years in length, and members can succeed themselves only twice. In general, it is presumed that the 3 year term allows for rotation of one previously elected member off and one new elected member on each team each year for teams of 3 members. Those members elected to the positions of Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, and Program Chair-Elect, serve 1 year terms and cannot immediately succeed themselves in the same position. All officers stand for election each year, with the Chair-Elect from the most previous year running only against a write-in (or write-ins) for Chair, the Program Chair from the most previous year running only against a write-in (or write-ins) for Chair-Elect, and the Program Chair-Elect from the most previous year running only against a write-in (or write-ins) for Program Chair.
Nominations are solicited from the membership by electronic mail every spring in accordance with the set timeframes for ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT division and interest group elections, at which time the Membership/Nominations Team Chair conducts the election, using the ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT's web-based election system. Elections are thus conducted so as to best meet the goals of universal member opportunity to participate, egalitarianism, timeliness, confidentiality, and natural and financial resource conservation. The top three plurality nominated candidates stand for each open team position and for the position of Program Chair-Elect. Volunteer members cannot serve as team chairs. A plurality of votes received by the deadline stated in the ballot (in accordance with the timeframes set by the Academy of Management) is the criterion for winning election. With the exception of the Program Team, whose chair is elected by the entire membership, each team's members, including both newly elected team members and those in the second or third year of their terms, decide via consensus who will chair their respective teams.
All official announcements of these elections are made during the annual business meeting. The newly elected and continuing members of the various teams should communicate with one another following their notification and select a chairperson of the team, and notify the Chair of this choice prior to the deadline for notifying the Academy of new division officers.
In the event of the largest vote totals being equivalent for two or more candidates for Chair, Chair- Elect, Program Chair, or Program Chair-Elect, a run-off vote will be conducted by the Membership/Nominations Team within two weeks after the results of the original election are available to this team. This run-off vote will be conducted using the Academy of Management's Membership Data Generator. If a second tie occurs among run-off candidates for any of these four positions, all incumbent officers and team members will be polled electronically within two weeks to break the tie. The result of this process will be included in the posting of the final election results. In the event of vote totals being equivalent for two or more candidates for any ONE governance team, incumbent members of the affected team will be immediately directed by the existing ONE Chair to select and complete within two weeks one of the following three methods for the tie-vote determination: 1) Acceptance of all candidates with tie-vote totals for inclusion on the team up to, but not exceeding, the number of individuals leaving the team the next year; 2) acceptance and identification of one of the tie- vote candidates for the current year and an offer of acceptance to the other tie-vote candidate(s) to the team for the next year; 3) a run-off vote by the incumbent team members for acceptance of only one of the tie-vote candidates. The results of this process will be included in the posting of the final election results.
Article VI - Communications
The members of the Communications Team elect the Newsletter Editor (or Co-Editors), who, in consultation with the ONE Chair and Communications Team Chair, publishes the quarterly ONE newsletter. This team solicits news articles and other items for the newsletter, ONE website and ONE group site on AOMConnect using a consensus decision-making approach. The Communications Team, in consultation with the ONE Chair and the Communications Team Chair, decides what other publications the Division publishes. The ONE Chair or his/her designees in the Communications Team is responsible for maintaining the ONE Website, and moderating discussion within the ONE group of AOMConnect. The ONE Webmaster updates, maintains and monitors the ONE website, and the AOMConnect moderator moderates all discussion by members within the ONE group of AOMConnect.
Article VII - Amendments
Amendments may be proposed at any time by either a consensus of the ONE Executive Committee or by a petition signed by at least 5% of the ONE membership. A consensus among the Executive Committee will determine amendments to the constitution in any given year. A majority vote among these officers is used if a consensus does not emerge. In general, secret ballots are used for any votes on amendments. All ONE members shall be given an opportunity to vote on any amendments sponsored by the Executive Committee.
Article VIII - Distribution
All ONE members receive a copy of the current constitution with amendments, as soon as it is ratified/amended, and all new ONE members receive the same upon joining. In addition, all Academy of Management Board of Governors members receive the same, including new Board of Governors members, and the then-current constitution is a permanent feature of the ONE website hosted by the Academy of Management.
Article IX - Awards
ONE regularly offers awards to its members to recognize outstanding academic accomplishments in the field of organizations and the natural environment - Best Paper Award, Best Dissertation Award, Outstanding Book Award, Emerging Scholar Award, Teaching Award, Best Reviewer Award, Outstanding Service Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Research Impact on Practice Award (jointly with the Network for Business Sustainability), and Outreach Award (jointly awarded with the SIM division). For each award, the relevant team makes a recommendation to the Chair in a timely manner, and the team chair is involved in the awards presentation at the annual business meeting. The Best Paper Award recipient (or recipients in the case of co-authored work) and the recipients of the Best Reviewer Awards are selected by the Program Team. In the case of the Teaching Award, the Teaching Team is responsible for setting up an awards committee to select the winner. For the other awards, the Award Team establishes and coordinates award committees to select the winner. In consultation with and after approval from the Chair and the Executive Team, the Awards Team may create or discontinue awards. Moreover, additional awards for special service or achievement may be given by ONE at the discretion of the Chair.