Dear Franz,
Thanks for starting the conversation, it is very useful, I copied all the suggestions together for myself and post the suggestion list here for others that may join later:
- Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Environmental Research Letters
- Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Journal of Industrial Ecology
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Nature Climate Change
- Nature Sustainability
- Resource and Energy Economics
Johan Lindeque
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nortwestern Switzerland FHNW
School of Business
Institute for Competitiveness and Communication ICC
Dr. Johan Lindeque
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
T +41 62 957 28 04
Johan Lindeque
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2021 17:23
From: Franz Wohlgezogen
Subject: What are your recommendations for journals outside the management discipline for staying current on env. sustainability, climate change?
Thank you very much for your recommendations, Rajat. That's very helpful.
Best wishes
Franz Wohlgezogen
Senior Lecturer
University of Melbourne
Carlton VIC
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2021 14:50
From: Rajat Panwar
Subject: What are your recommendations for journals outside the management discipline for staying current on env. sustainability, climate change?
Dear Franz,
I would suggest to add PNAS and Environmental Research Letters to your list.
As an aside, your list will dramatically change based on the pathway to climate change you choose to focus on. For example, your current list looks comprehensive from a carbon management perspective but not so much from an ecosystems health perspective.
Best wishes,
Rajat Panwar
Associate Professor (Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change)
Oregon State University
Rajat Panwar
Oregon State University
+93 8283867341
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2021 20:11
From: Franz Wohlgezogen
Subject: What are your recommendations for journals outside the management discipline for staying current on env. sustainability, climate change?
Dear ONE community,
In a recent study my co-authors and I found that there is a substantial body of climate change-related research published by management/business academics in journals OUTSIDE the management disciplines (i.e. management, accounting, finance, operations, etc.).
Those findings made me wonder: what journals OUTSIDE the management disciplines is the ONE community reading to stay current and informed about environmental sustainability and climate change research that has relevance for managers and firms?
A few titles appeared frequently in my own keyword-based searches for climate change / climate action research that has relevance to management:
- Energy Journal of Cleaner Production
- Sustainability
- Journal of Industrial Ecology
- Nature Climate Change
- Nature Sustainability
- Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions
Are there any favourite journals missing from that list? Which outlets are, in your experience, perhaps NOT worth looking into (e.g. because of low average article quality, or articles being too "technical"/natural science-focused to be useful for a social scientist)?
I'd be most grateful for your advice.
Franz Wohlgezogen
Senior Lecturer
University of Melbourne
Carlton VIC