| The https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f108001d7916ef33787a9d34ed0f5f22a852e00b45def3066316a3a602399e950b4efe3956db983ad13ab6db63f50a2e15. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="9" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI) is convening a working group of ECI members to produce a ground-breaking white paper on the principles of successfully implementing, embedding and sustaining GVV programs in companies and other organizations. The white paper will be published in conjunction with a webinar in fall 2024 and made available to both ECI members and, on a complimentary basis, to individuals from the broader GVV community who are in attendance. To learn more about ECI membership, or to receive updates, email membership@ethics.org. | | | | | | A new https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f1b9975a4c7815a3f3bf25e9e24726e0ff007700491d53b92a84084935f63a4c41e84ab5978d44e9054376e64c9919f8e3. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="11" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Ethical Leadership Network Collaborative Course based on Giving Voice To Values has enrolled students from 12 universities: Al-Quds University, American University of Afghanistan, American University in Beirut, American University of Central Asia, Bard College, Bard College Berlin, BRAC University, Central European University, OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning in Kenya, Parami University, and Ashesi University. | | | | | WEBINARS, LECTURES, & PRESENTATIONS - "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership Development" by Mary C. Gentile. Herbert Holloman Memorial Symposium, https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f1577de0c2c205eae61cce6f42788dca9e0b22b3a1b88640160c5eb324bfb8c32d0824c71aa166b4423aca8435c3bf812b. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="16" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Radius, Office of Religious, Spiritual and Ethical Life, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 17 April 2024. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f142df1314dcb3f4ddf0b608195f8f680b81b2f912bec3b4ea256335c8b49fb0a0bbd61953a2584b76608ff7ccfed995a7. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="17" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">VIDEO
- "Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile. First Movers Fellowship, The Aspen Institute Business & Society Program, 11 April 2024.
- "Approaching Ethics through Values-Based Leadership and Ethical Action" by Aravinda Ram, Botho University, Botswana, and Adriana Ineza, Kepler College, Rwanda. GVV Africa Symposium, The Education Collaborative, Ashesi University, Berekuso, Ghana, 28 March 2024.
- "Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile. Deploying the Doctrines of The PRME Impactful Five (i5) and the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) Initiatives, University of Bradford School of Management in collaboration with Emerald Publishing, Yunus Social Business Centre, and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), 28 March 2024.
- "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership Development" by Mary C. Gentile. Guest lecture in "Leadership When It Really Counts" course, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, 27 March 2024.
- "Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile. Make Ethics Real: Core Competencies for Turbulent Times, Integrity Matters, Brussels, Belgium, 11 March 11 2024.
- "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership Development by Mary C. Gentile. Ethical Leadership Course for 12 institutions: Al-Quds University; American University of Afghanistan; American University in Beirut; American University in Central Asia; Ashesi University; Bard College; Bard College Berlin; BRAC University; Central European University; European Humanities University; OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning in Kenya; Parami University; Open Society University Network, 14 February 2024.
- "When We Know What is Right – How Do We Get It Done?" by Mary C. Gentile, https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f19c059fa0588d39ec4405022d223ff1c023043e586fc3a9f1907c8fa75ea165cbf26576e32c1f2b5641635641856cdafa. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="18" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">The Decade, Episode 54, 13 September 2023.
PUBLICATIONS, MEDIA, AND ARTICLE MENTIONS/DISCUSSIONS OF GVV - "Connecting Voice to Organisational Integrity," (Chapter 27) by Brett Beasley with Mary C. Gentile, in https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f1d01b0c2bc04b774bb55c4e9466b64bbcd040d9d4b3d15d0a9eaa6982fe718d890dd70907fff482725efff11ca5bbe9f4. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="19" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity, edited by Muel Kapstein. (Edward Elgar: 2024).
- "Book Review of Giving Voice to Values," by Evgeny Popov in "Evgeny's Substack," (April 2024).
- "The Human Economy: Creating Resilience through Human-Centric Systems" by Line Lorenzen. Global Peter Drucker Forum on LinkedIn, 29 February 2024.
- "The Practical Uses of Hope: Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f107601aebd4891733561f88817887f04c4abc07c93c1cb2f8912e0cb0a3a192955298a08a3812a0d5e3bcbd220475efd5. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="20" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Virtues & Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing, Summer/August 2023.
- Foreword by Mary C. Gentile. In Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases, 6th Edition by Steven Mintz and William Miller. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2023.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f12556f2970826f9e881926d44a48a9871c9b91b90698e9cd0f98c255c6488eb3be7c27f3ca2d47c91992518eac8e19f78. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="21" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Giving Voice to Values as an Enabling Pedagogy for Digital Ethics," by Adriana Krasniansky and Mary C. Gentile. In The Future of Responsible Management Education: University Leadership and the Digital Transformation Challenge, edited by Christian Hauser and Wolfgang Amann. Humanism in Business Series. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, May 2023.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f1c6dfa5117cdf048e741a45f48dd29976e96f8f707912775f7c74b9101e099bbfb2c0f4045e8c750a3bb9b92150bda71d. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="22" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Finding Meaning in Work" by Mary C. Gentile, Innovations: Technology, Governance & Globalization (A Quarterly Journal Published by MIT Press.) Volume 13, Issue 3/4, 60-63. Spring 2023.
- "An Empirical Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Giving Voice to Values Pedagogy" by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver and Steven M. Mintz. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=4249f501086ab1f1e655d55383259934d8cc5d79405b4c2a7d95711db32c7e51bc5b2b2a43ec83e82c1e43e8427eba0ddf2677744d1e8b5c. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="23" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Accounting Education, 6 March 2023.
- GVV is featured in, https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc59d4219a7b4f66c89f1fbcab775c7aab025cf611cc8e830e8d43e5be28557f104c44cb05b20a37ee8fbda711630ae347d. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="24" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Business Schools Must Teach the Value of Disobedience Over Climate," by Oliver Laasch, Times Higher Education, 28 January 2023.
- Mary Gentile's research is cited in, "An Empirical Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Giving Voice to Values Pedagogy," in Accounting Education, by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver and Stephen M. Mintz.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5303691ba7815e718087398f894098a209cc15dc4181063089974382e56171451fea76342782d39c32088999dac1f856d. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="25" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Case Study: Does Facial Recognition Tech Enhance Security?" by Mary C. Gentile, David Danks, and Maralee Harrell. Harvard Business Review, November-December 2022.
- "Voice Your Values" by Dr. Judy K. Frels. Insights with Impact, March 28, 2022.
| NEW CURRICULUM https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5876228e4ab291b62e0579891010d5c2237d55f69a7d0957aaa78aff06118bfe06540eb8d3374ddba9f96b5271cac500d. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="26" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Darden Business Publishing is pleased to offer a new series of Tech Ethics cases (listed below). Several of the cases were made possible with a grant to the University of Virginia from the https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc585529f47df9c1c44078aa671cc0e20aebf250ac5ae255618248ec4cf82084e1ae3436e75e4b83b5b345a0b3097d1f8ba. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="27" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Deloitte Foundation. The full curriculum is available at Darden Business Publishing. - https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5e14dca5114cfd3f3b8ea4ff02909a0ae500da5e430bd6d0199e313d9e71269222e92abbd6ec2a1919df5f1e9888c3ed1. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="28" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"GVV Pillar Six: Voice – An Exercise to Speak to Barry's Challenge" (UVA-OB-1417) 28 February 2023. Michael Baldwin, Jacqueline Boaks and Brian Moriarty, Darden Business Publishing,
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc54672ed9348ce08bf1f42f064f828e11cc5ed68567d03f2931e7f27cfabd5ab524ec536f569f25847635b6b5da443c0e1. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="29" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Move Fast, but without Bias: Ethical AI Development in a Start-up Culture (A)" (OB-1411) 11 August 2022. Gentile, Mary; Krasniansky, Adriana. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5d18c771e223bc0e6f1686299a391577c34c279b470603e26296deb2c978aec35374122f9818fd3461914681924e2d315. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="30" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Ethical Programming of Algorithms: How to Deal with Ethical Risks of AI Tools for Hiring Decisions? (A)" (OB-1401) 8 August 2022. Gentile, Mary; Hunkenschroer, Anna Lena. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5cf56bd018220bfa6cb55812afb9e4d525e0d55b4625c96396fbc574c826cb2dd5426e61b554538c4896c47baab6882eb. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="31" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Recommendation Algorithms and Politics on Social Media (A)" (OB-1399) 28 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Sloane, Mona. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5b745fa4cf2d7ce4df2c915a55852c3c660cb405327e84e7ab36e843dc5fc5d53a30661e0ad25c96a86d585095b0e7ca9. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="32" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"You Can't Tell Anyone (A)"(OB-1406) 15 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Moriarty, Brian. Darden Business Publishing.
- "https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc56b6e611fa462af83fd10c5ee575a7553c4b5cad87436bb9a50a738f64e25aa7577e3bd26c76b04a253948c5796ad8696. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="33" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Ubiquitous Surveillance (A)" (OB-1403) 8 July 2022. Gentile, Mary; Danks, David; Harrell, Maralee. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc59c9e76cd73dcdc30937dd6ddc27fd22b4cab1fff268ba4edeb38e3d1a35431a22ef1b780c5a44e487da5ed6ebd60e70e. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="34" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Toxic for Teens? Navigating a Career in the Social Media Industry (A)https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc59c9e76cd73dcdc30937dd6ddc27fd22b4cab1fff268ba4edeb38e3d1a35431a22ef1b780c5a44e487da5ed6ebd60e70e. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="34" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">" (OB-1395) 6 June 2022. Gentile, Mary; Warnell, Jessica McManus. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc54d4cde29b3cf3dfcb51872d204f68b25c056e4de4af9050eee42aee7a140cdbd21daef0d35bba5e2f8d4380254da8386. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="35" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Held Hostage in the 21st Century: Cybersecurity, Ransomware, and Crisis Management (A)" (OB-1392) 24 May 2022. Gentile, Mary; Feehan, Ross. Darden Business Publishing.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5363c4d9a47c981ed534f8af3bc953124fab9c89109dd52bf950ef906629aa2e6070226915ffc12504cdc191942c59e6f. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="36" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">"Programming a "Fairer" System: Assessing Bias in Enterprise AI Products (A)" (OB-1340) 9 December 2020. Gentile, Mary; Krasniansky, Adriana. Darden Business Publishing.
| PROGRAMS - Giving Voice to Values began collaborating in early 2024 with the https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc53bdb778204c1e7dab0a4c1a603ee42847f03ac5ba572065bd539181386fa948cf7dea33028adac43640e1cb17df9ab65. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="37" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Principles for Responsible Management Education, the largest organized relationship between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions.
- "Giving Voice to Values 'Train-the-Trainer' Program for Internal Managers at MasterCard" by Mary C. Gentile. Program rolled out to the MasterCard organization across numerous countries in Africa in 2023.
- Mary Gentile participated in a discussion of "Giving Voice To Values" for the "Virtuous Leadership Program," a convening of senior business leaders in Brazil, sponsored by https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5ea387dfb5f7f84ca4b11cdadad39fba8cb4d389e4c8a5242fecb0de48a7e5d3908d43d4cabbb415293cd340e7a5aeee7. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="38" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Virtuous Company, 2022. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc50dc57fd6c9ec8f1e7e07e06f5a03e7d7dd41129c7f1b37ff9a0e7bf4f0e80bfe3632d1dba06fc89ecf162129add9700f. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="39" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Watch Video.
- "Giving Voice to Values" is being offered as an Executive Education program at Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 2022.
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc589dc06362ae65f59e4ca053036d881ef75ac7374ff46e5edf137872d62e4e195957934704df4dafdc40ecb2975f1bd96. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="40" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Ashesi University launched their GVV MOOC on 14 June 2022. The course is part of an https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc560228ad40a0e6efdaa78c063ac805ba9760b1454c7776c31fbfd02fa42e88de64cfe24978918070050ae8362507397da. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="41" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Education Collaborative initiative with other African universities to transform higher education. Led by Professor Rebecca Awuah, the program includes GVV cases specific to Africa.
- The Australian Institute of Health and Safety is offering an online professional development version of the GVV MOOC customized for Health and Safety profession.
- Grant-funded GVV Curriculum project launched in engineering, nursing and social care at Munster Technological University, Ireland, 2021.
- The Australian Institute of Health and Safety is offering an online professional development version of the GVV MOOC customized for Health and Safety profession.
- GVV has been a featured input into the Communication Skills program at the Notre Dame School of Medicine, Australia, and was acknowledged at the Association for Medical Education in Europe annual conference, 2020.
- GVV Online programs from Nomadic.fm is now part of the Josh Bersin Academy offerings for Human Resources Leaders in 2020. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc56804becdbcd4270ed8fff96e4a6302006ff124f44b70f7631e5aa266b78d8531a722b4f0a944651f438db78282d68f24. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="42" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">https://bersinacademy.com/voice-values-and-hr
- GVV is now featured in an ONLINE program for the CFA Institute (Chartered Financial Analyst Institute).
- GVV is being used in professional development programming by the GFOA (Government Financial Officers Association).
- GVV is a featured methodology in Aspen Ethical Leadership in Healthcare program, offered annually in the Fall. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc596d595273b0cfb4bc78c9c39582d9c2489b9b3414dde0e38846adc2afc8a5837e983edcbbbe8a83a0bbd4bd3aa9a586d. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="43" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">https://www.aspenethicalleadership.com/
- GVV has become part of the pedagogy and curriculum for FASPE, the Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics. To learn more, visit: https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5bd49f33fd42996f2f62c45943ff953c40c4ccbcbafe3c1ad08526c4e08e1a82055e482788792fd94ea25e119bfff76ca. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="44" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">https://www.faspe-ethics.org/
- https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc500795738147ef26430387c428ed7e18ed5adc0a6877315f4bf56e3583682b7798699d84d8bf4bee709b2b339a82ffe62. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="http://" data-linkindex="45" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">Science and Technology Online Ethics Center has approved the GVV MOOC that Mary Gentile adapted for Engineering Education and is making it available (it was successfully piloted at UVA School of Engineering in the Fall of 2021).
- GVV MOOC The GVV MOOC, "Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values," launched by UVA Darden and Coursera, is available. https://click.mc.virginia.edu/?qs=0a39b260df727fc5a947d8f9d25163606ff2981eb11766849c23a074049c3022785f31c6eea0db5720f04e5f050c6a660a5ebc4292c28f5c. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkto="https://" data-linkindex="46" data-loopstyle="linkonly" style="color: #232D4B; margin: 0">https://www.coursera.org/learn/uva-darden-giving-voice-to-values
| Giving Voice to Values Book Series | Thank you for your continued interest and use of Giving Voice to Values! | | | | |