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Sustainability and the Black Box of the Firm (2nd meeting at EURAM)

  • 1.  Sustainability and the Black Box of the Firm (2nd meeting at EURAM)

    Posted 10-26-2023 05:16
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    Dear colleagues,


    This is intended for those with kindred scholarly interests in the theory of the firm and sustainability. This panel discussion at the European Academy of Management conference will be held next year at the University of Bath, UK (see PDF attached).

    To avoid conflicts of interest, it is not up to convenors to decide on the acceptance of drafts, which are reviewed instead on a quid-pro-quo basis by EURAM participants. Although you may know by experience how unconstructive the double-blind peer-review system has become these days, hey-ho, we never know.

    T01_04 - Sustainability and the Black Box of the Firm, 2nd meeting (to be held in the city of Bath at the EURAM 24th Conference).

    Paper submission deadline: 11 January 2024 – 2 pm Belgian time.

    The purpose of the second meeting of this panel discussion is to encourage scholarship that aims at opening the black box of the firm by making its internal mechanisms explicit, thus probing how enterprises can be locked in on a sustainability path by appealing to forces from within the firm rather than to external factors. This purpose is served by methodologies akin to non-probability, theoretical sampling with small and data-intensive samples. As Henry Mintzberg put it: "We learn how birds fly by studying them one at a time, not by scanning flocks of them on radar screens." We expect, thus, to build over time a community of scholars able to move beyond prescriptions of ethical behavior, identifying instead the mechanisms that are most likely to make for-profit enterprises pursue sustainability goals.

    Feel free to get in touch with Alejandro. He will be pleased to answer your queries.

    EURAM track T01_04 convenors:

    Alejandro Agafonow (ESSCA), e-mail: alejandro.agafonow[at]

    Cristina Neesham (Newcastle)

    Kalle Pajunen (Tampere)

    Marybel Perez (ESSCA)

    ESSCA School of Management
    55 quai Alphonse Le Gallo
    92513 Boulogne-Billancourt
    Paris, France
