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Sign up until Sep1st // GRONEN Workshop 'Revitalize your Teaching on Sustainability - Best Practices and Novel Approaches'

  • 1.  Sign up until Sep1st // GRONEN Workshop 'Revitalize your Teaching on Sustainability - Best Practices and Novel Approaches'

    Posted 08-29-2023 08:01

    Join us in Hamburg, Germany: GRONEN Reading Group & GRONEN Workshop October 12 & 13, 2023

    GRONEN Reading Group Oct 12

    If you have an R&R in a sustainability-related topic, we invite you to participate in the next GRONEN Reading Group (GROReG). GROReG is the platform of the GRONEN network to discuss sustainability-related papers at the 'revise & resubmit' stage (preferably with a journal that is at least ranked 3 in the ABS list). If you are interested, please respond to this email by contacting the reading group coordinator Elisa Alt ( by September 25.

    GRONEN Workshop 'Revitalize your Teaching on Sustainability - Best Practices and Novel Approaches' Oct 13

    The multi-faceted challenges the global community currently faces require a deep reflection on the way we teach sustainability and on our role as teachers. The climate crisis, energy security, and food accessibility have all become intertwined and lead to competing priorities in business and society. For teachers at business schools and technical universities, this raises important questions: Do the management models and decision-making heuristics we teach still fit this reality? How can we design new sustainability-related syllabi and refresh our teaching approaches? 

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together experienced teachers as well as those starting to teach to generate a debate on revitalizing sustainability teaching.The format is interactive, including panel and roundtable sessions which provide a platform to discuss current topics and reflect on their own teaching approach. 


    Thursday, 12 Oct

    Optional: Joint dinner and drinks with the GRONEN Reading Group


    Friday, 13 Oct 

    08.30-9.00 Registration

    9.00-9.15 Workshop welcome

    9.15-10.30 Panel session 'Reinvigorating your Sustainability Program'. Johannes Meuer (Kühne Logistics University), Frank Figge (ESCP Business School, France), & Aoife Brophy (University of Oxford, UK)

    10.30-10.45 Short coffee break

    10.45-12.15 Roundtables about Teaching Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Jonatan Pinkse (University of Manchester, UK) & Dante Leyva-de-la-Hiz (Cunef, Spain)

    12.15-13.30 Lunch (sponsored)

    13.30-15.45 Panel session. Rethinking Sustainability Teaching: New tools and Methods for engaging students. – Valentina De Marchi (ESADE, Spain), Sara Soderstrom (University of Michigan, USA) & Gorgi Krlev (ESCP Business School, France)

    16.00-17.30 Roundtables about AI for teaching Sustainability. Ambra Galeazzo (University of Padova, Italy) & Christina Bidmon (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

    17.30- 18.00 Workshop closing

    18.00 Drinks and sightseeing in Hamburg, followed by a joint dinner (self-paid)


    Please register until September 01: 

    ATTENDANCE MODES: You can register as participant or as presenter. Participants receive a certificate of participation. Presenters also receive a certificate of presentation. As a presenter, you volunteer to introduce a teaching approach you use or are currently developing for discussion in one of the roundtables. Please submit a short outline (max. 100 words) what you would like to present when you register.

    Sidenote on virtual participation: We are looking into options to record or livestream selected sessions. We will share further information in due time.

    COST: Free (self-paid dinner)

    LOCATION: Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg -

    For more information, check GRONEN Workshop 'Revitalize your Teaching on Sustainability - Best Practices and Novel Approaches' | Gronen or send an email to:

    We look forward to seeing you!

    GRONEN Workshop Team: M. Johnson (U. Hamburg) & C. Bidmon (Utrecht U.)

    GRONEN Teaching Team: A. Galeazzo (U. Padova) & J. Delgado-Ceballos (U. Granada)

    Local Hosts: D. Mc Geough (Kühne Logistics U.) & J. Meuer (Kühne Logistics U.)


    About GRONEN workshops

    GRONEN workshops aim to foster the exchange among members between the biennial GRONEN conferences. GRONEN workshops aim to advance relevant and strong research and to encourage innovative thinking on organizations and the natural environment. 

    Best wishes,

    Christina Bidmon
    Assistant Professor
    Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University