Dear all,
The Sustainability & Organizations (S&O) Institute at HEC Paris invites applications for a postdoctoral or more senior research position beginning in August or September 2024.
We seek candidates with a doctoral training and a strong research orientation in the areas of behavioral economics, strategy, management, finance, accounting, and/or psychology, and whose research sits at the nexus of sustainability and business/markets. As the position is directly linked to the Inclusive Economy Center at the Institute, we are seeking a scholar with a special interest/expertise to carry out research on topics such as, inclusive health, social ties and trust, and migration and refugees, and human rights. Knowledge of French is not required. All applicants must have a Ph.D (or be close to completion).
The deadline for applications is March 1st, 2024. For more details, please see the call for applications (attached).
Best wishes,
Leandro Nardi
Assistant Professor - HEC Paris, Strategy and Business Policy Department
Research Associate - S&O Institute
Leandro Nardi
Post Doctorate Research Fellow
HEC Paris