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    Posted 11-08-2022 13:47

    About Universidad del Desarrollo

    Founded in 1990, the Universidad del Desarrollo ( is Chile's #1 university in Entrepreneurship and is consistently ranked amongst the leading universities in the country. We are proud of our people, our commitment to research and teaching excellence, and our global engagement.



    FEN Sustainability Initiative


    The challenge of adapting to changing conditions to survive and grow is not new for firms and organizations. Furthermore, different actors have started to question the notion that the only social role of the company is to maximize its value or profits. New demands have been included - besides the essential role as an agent of growth and economic development- such as environmental protection, promotion and development of communities, and an operating model where the firms' different stakeholders are considered. As part of its strategic plan, the School of Business and Economics (FEN) of the Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile) is implementing the" Sustainability Initiative."


     The FEN Sustainability Initiative seeks to understand the relationship between firms and their environment from a bidirectional perspective. We seek o understand how business activities affect the social, economic, and environmental dimensions; and, at the same time, how these changes affect the company and its performance.


    The FEN Sustainability Initiative is built upon three pillars: Research, teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate), and outreach. The research team includes faculty members ( https:// ) and students from the Doctorate program in Business Economics ( https:// doctorate-in-business-economics/ ). In addition, there is a collaboration with other Universities, and researchers participate in various research centers and networks at national and international levels.


    Requirements and job description

    The School of Business and Economics is in an exciting period of growth and change. We seek candidates with a solid commitment to research and the aspiration to strengthen the FEN Sustainability Initiative. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in economics, management, or a sustainability-related field (completed by November 29th, 2022). It is expected that successful applicants have previous experience in some of these areas: sustainability studies, quantitative methods (econometrics, optimization, statistics), qualitative methods, survey design and analysis, and database management (Stata, R, Matlab, Gauss), among others.


    The research lines are grouped within the area of business sustainability, including:

    • Firms' adaptation to natural adversities: This line seeks to understand the variables (internal, external, and institutional) that determine an effective adaptation to various environmental changes and/or extreme events.
    • Firms' environmental behavior: This line analyzes the determinants of the environmental behavior of companies, such as adopting sustainable or cleaner production practices. In addition, it deals with understanding the relationship between what companies report as environmental behavior and their effective actions.
    • Consumer behavior: The field of sustainability has generated a series of changes in consumer preferences, whether in terms of demanding more from companies, new choices for products with a smaller environmental footprint, and sustainable food, among other aspects. This line analyzes changes in consumer behavior and the effects that these changes may have on firms' performance.



    This process is part of the Universidad del Desarrollo Posdoc call, whose deadline is November 29th, 2022. More details: The application must be sponsored by one of the Faculty members. Candidates interested in this position, please email providing the following information:

    • D. program name, University, thesis title, supervisor name.
    • Short document stating the research idea.

    Those candidates that better fit the research lines will be invited (and sponsored) to develop a full proposal to be submitted to the Universidad del Desarrollo Posdoc call.

    Roberto D. Ponce Oliva
    Associate Professor
    School of Business and Economics
    Universidad del Desarrollo
    Concepción, Chile.