Dear colleagues and friends,
Several of you are working hard to prepare a submission for the Special Issue "Unchaining Supply Chains: Transformative Leaps Towards Regenerating Social-Ecological Systems" hosted by the Journal of Supply Chain Management (ABS4; CiteScore: 12.1; IF: 10.6). Thank you!
The Guest Editors team, after consultation with the EICs, have decided to extend the deadline for submissions by 2 months. The Wiley JSCM system will remain open for submissions from March 1st, 2024, to May 1st, 2024.
Our Social Impact Paper on regenerative organizing in supply chains was published only recently, hence we believe that more time should be granted to interested authors to further develop and polish their papers.
We sense great excitement among many of you from across management sub-disciplines for this SI; we look forward to working with you all soon!
Kindest regards,
Jury and the GE team (Oana Branzei, Sergio Lazzarini, Miriam Wilhelm, Martina Linnenluecke, Ralph Hamann, Kevin Dooley, Mike Barnett, Chen Chien-Ming)
Jury Gualandris
Associate Professor
Director of Building Sustainable Value Research Centre
Director of the Network For Business Sustainability
Ivey Business School, Western University