Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Proposals: Review Issue 2024
Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: March 1, 2023
Corporate Governance: An International Review seeks proposals for review articles that consolidate and advance current knowledge of subjects in line with the mission of the journal. The mission of CGIR is to publish cutting-edge international business research on the phenomena of corporate governance throughout the global economy. We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over corporate entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization's various stakeholders, as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsibly with regard to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm.
Review articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important streams of governance research. They should compile the state of corresponding knowledge, integrate related literatures and provide promising avenues for future research. Their scope should be broad enough to attract general interest and sufficiently focused to be dealt with in a single article.
Submissions have to follow a two-step process. First, an article proposal must be submitted by March 1, 2023. The proposal outlines the subject, the novelty and the contribution of the review. Proposals should be double-spaced and not exceed eight pages of text (including a brief executive summary, but excluding references). Complete papers will not be considered. Authors may indicate in their proposal that the draft of a full paper already exists. Submissions of proposals must be made via the CGIR website ( and indicate that the submission is intended for the CGIR review issue.
Proposals will be evaluated with regard to the following criteria:
- Fit of the subject with the scope of CGIR
- Relevance and novelty of the review topic
- Incorporation of relevant literatures
- Integration of related concepts and/or streams of research
- Implications for future research
- Overall significance of intended contribution
- Clarity of exposition and writing
Final decisions on proposals will be made by April 1, 2023. Authors of selected proposals will be invited to submit a full paper of their review article by November 30, 2023. Full papers will be subject to the CGIR standard double-blind reviewing process. It is anticipated that the review issue will be published in CGIR issue 6 of 2024.
For queries about this review issue, please feel free to contact the CGIR Editors-in- Chief, Konstantinos Stathopoulos ( and Till Talaulicar (, or the editorial office of the journal (
Prof. Dr. Till Talaulicar
Department of Organization and Management
University of Erfurt
Nordhaeuser Straße 63
D-99089 Erfurt