Call For Submissions and Reviewers
The Royal Sonesta Hotel, Chicago, USA
8-11 August 2024
Important dates
• Submission site open: Early November 2023
• Paper deadline: 15 February 2024
The Society for Business Ethics (SBE) welcomes scholarly submissions and reviewers for its 2024 Annual Conference. Please upload your submissions at the website: Only electronic submissions to this website, in PDF format, will be considered. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the program, please contact the Program Chair, Tae Wan Kim: Information regarding the conference registration and hotel is available at the SBE website:
We will continue the hybrid (online and in-person) session, in collaboration with SBE's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the Junior Scholars Network. The hybrid session is designed to increase access and engagement, and the online option is especially for scholars who cannot attend in-person due to political barriers, economic constraints, or health concerns. The details of the hybrid session are a work in progress. During the submission process, you will be asked to specify whether you are planning on attending online or in-person.
We accept six types of submissions, as follows:
1) Scholarly Paper Submissions: Papers should be double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman (or similar) type and should be no longer than 30 pages (double-spaced) including references. The manuscript itself must be suitable for blind review (prepared without a title page or any author identifying information in the text or notes). The paper should be uploaded as a PDF file. When submitting online, authors will be requested to provide a title, an abstract of no more than 250 words, five keywords, and at least three submission codes (listed below) that summarize the submission's topic areas and methodologies.
2) Agora Paper Submissions: In classical Greece, the agora was a public meeting place that often served as a market and sometimes served as a forum for intellectual discourse with an audience of whomever was interested. Because business ethics is a topic with important implications for management practice, we welcome submissions that are intended to explain business ethics concepts clearly and winsomely for popular audiences. These submissions ought to have the same attributes as those listed for category 1 above; however, they will be evaluated based on their critical engagement with the relevant literature, their clarity, and their practical implications. Moreover, accepted Agora submissions will be presented at a special concurrent session in which presenters are encouraged to abandon the usual conventions of academic paper presentations, and instead make presentations that could readily appeal to popular audiences, perhaps drawing inspiration from TEDx talks or other similarly accessible styles.
3) Panel Proposal Submissions: These are thematically organized sessions intended to advance theoretical understanding, analyze the implications of recent business activity or public policy developments, or provide pedagogical guidance. Submissions should be in the range of three to six pages and should identify the chair and all proposed participants by name, address, phone number, and email address. Panel proposals should include a title, a clear statement indicating the rationale for the panel, the format to be used, and the contribution of each panelist. The proposal should be uploaded as a PDF file. When submitting online, the panel proposer will be requested to provide an abstract of no more than 250 words.
4) Workshop Proposal Submissions: Workshops are interactive sessions where the attendees are participants and typically focus on scholarly development or pedagogy, although other types of submissions are welcome. Proposals should include a title and a clear statement indicating the rationale for the workshop, why your research and/or expertise qualify you to give this workshop, and how you would run the workshop. There should be no more than three workshop leaders. The proposal should be uploaded as a PDF file. When submitting online, the workshop leader will be requested to provide an abstract of no more than 250 words.
5) Emerging Scholars Submissions: Individual Ph.D. candidates may submit an abstract of between 1,500 and 2,000 words (without references) describing a research project in business ethics or related domains. Abstracts should include a short list of relevant citations and include a cover page with full contact information and affiliation (anonymity is not required on the cover page). In addition to being able to present their ideas in a paper session, students whose papers are accepted will be invited to attend a half-day in-person workshop with senior SBE mentors. Although a Ph.D. student may be an Emerging Scholar more than once, priority is given to those who have not previously been accepted into the SBE conference program as an Emerging Scholar. The abstract should be uploaded as a PDF file. Note that, should you submit the same paper idea under Categories 1 and 5, and both are accepted, you must select only one track for presentation.
6) "Coffee with an Author" Submissions: Critical engagement with monographs and textbooks is important for the field of business ethics. Therefore, we invite book review submissions for the "Coffee with an Author" session. To submit a book review for the "Coffee with an Author" session, a book reviewer must complete a constructively critical review of the chosen work pertaining to its rigor and impact (or its rigor and pedagogical suitability). A submission constitutes confirmation with one or more of the author(s) of that work that they are also willing to attend the session and discuss the reviewed work. In the session, the reviewer will introduce the author(s) and the work, share the key points of their review, and facilitate an ensuing roundtable discussion with the author(s) and any other attendees. Multiple "Coffee with an Author" tables will run in parallel during the session, which will be scheduled adjacent to a refreshment break so that attendees can enjoy a selection of beverages before or during the session.
Tae Wan Kim
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA
Tae Wan Kim
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA