15-16 March 2024
SF State Downtown Campus, 5th Floor, 160 Spear Street, San Francisco
The Impact Investing Days are a discussion forum for impact investing practitioners, social entrepreneurs, and academics. The conference aims to challenge current practice and use evidence-based research to develop better insights into the links between social and environmental impact, financial returns, and investment decisions. The first day of the conference features keynote talks and panel discussions aimed at encouraging discussion between academics and practitioners which critically reflect upon current impact investing practices. The second day features presentations of academic papers at various development stages.
Paper Submission Process and Deadlines
Discussion Panels. We encourage proposals for interactive discussion panels that explore practical insights, real-world experiences, and emerging trends related to impact investing. Panel proposals should include a brief abstract outlining the topics to be covered and the names and affiliations of 1-2 practitioners and 1-2 academics.
Submission deadline for discussion panels: 10 December 2023.
Academic Research Paper. We invite researchers to submit original, previously unpublished academic papers on topics related to impact investing. Submissions should present rigorous research that contribute to the theoretical, empirical, or practical understanding of impact investing. All papers will undergo a double blinded peer-review process to ensure the quality and relevance of the content. Submit either an extended abstract or a full paper as a single blinded PDF document.
Submission deadline for academic papers: 10 December 2023.
Work in Progress Posters. We encourage researchers to submit poster presentations of ongoing or recently initiated research projects related to impact investing for which there are no definitive findings yet. This category is ideal for those seeking feedback from peers and experts in the field. Posters should be maximum A1 size and can contain both graphics and text. Poster abstracts should clearly outline the research objectives, methodology, and preliminary findings. Submission deadline for poster presentations: 15 January 2024.
Submissions should be written in English and must be submitted as PDF attachment to kmk.msc@cbs.dk. For full academic papers, the word limit should not exceed 40 double spaced pages of text in Times new Roman 12 font, which includes title page, abstract (of 100 words or less), tables and figures, and list of references. A separate PDF should include the title page full name(s) of authors and affiliations. Proposals at any stage of development are welcome. You will receive notification by early January if your paper has been accepted. If you are unsure whether your contribution is a good fit for the conference, please reach out to kmk.msc@cbs.dk and Konstantin will arrange a call to discuss your submission idea ahead of the deadline. For inspiration check out the programme of the 2023 Impact Investing Days.
Link to the 2024 Impact Investing Days Website: https://www.tilmeld.dk/iid2024/conference.
Kai Hockerts
Copenhagen Business School
+45 3815 3175