2023 Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division Emerging Scholar Award: Call for Nominations
The ONE Emerging Scholar Award recognizes early career academics who have already made outstanding research contributions in the area of organizations and the natural environment, and who appear to have a strong potential to continue making such contributions in the near future.
The Emerging Scholar Award winner will receive a plaque from the ONE Division, a $500 check from the ONE Division and award sponsor, recognition at the annual ONE Business Meeting held during the Academy of Management conference, and a listing on the ONE website with the other past Emerging Scholar Award winners.
To be eligible, the nominee must be at an early stage in their career, generally within six years of receiving their PhD (or other terminal degree) and be pre-tenure (or equivalent) and have been a member of good standing in the ONE Division for the past three years. In a case where a scholar has taken a formal leave of absence due to illness or birth/adoption of a child, they may request an extension of the six- or three-year window from the selection committee chair.
The nomination process is relatively simple. One can self-nominate or be nominated by others. A nomination consists of a short statement (no more than two pages) about the candidate sent via e-mail by April 30, 2023, along with a complete, up-to-date CV, to the Emerging Scholar Award Chair, Dr. Vanessa Burbano (vanessa.burbano@gsb.columbia.edu) and the ONE Awards committee, Dr. Elisa Alt (elisa.alt@kcl.ac.uk). Your email should use the subject line: ONE Emerging Scholar Nomination. In addition, the nominator or nominee should be sure to make key papers, books, monographs, and popular outlet pieces available, upon request, to the committee.
For the selection process, the committee will examine the candidate's overview statement and corpus of research. The criteria normally applied in other ONE awards to assess quality will also be applied to the work of the Emerging Scholar: the work's relevance, its academic contribution, theoretical and methodological rigor, and practical implications. Based on these criteria, the committee's knowledge of the field, and information sometimes solicited from third-party experts, the committee will choose a single ONE Emerging Scholar Award winner for the year.
2023 Emerging Scholar Award Committee Members:
Dr. Vanessa Burbano (Chair)
Columbia Business School
Dr. Glen Dowell
Dr. Rodolphe Durand
HEC Paris
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Vanessa Burbano (vanessa.burbano@gsb.columbia.edu).
Thank you for your interest!
Vanessa Burbano
Associate Professor
Columbia Business School