The ONE Doctoral Dissertation Award recognizes recent doctoral work in the area of organizations and the natural environment. The winner receives a plaque from the ONE Division, a check for $500 from the ONE division and award sponsor, recognition at the annual ONE Business Meeting at the Academy of Management conference, as well as a listing with other past winners on the ONE website.
To be eligible, a dissertation must focus on some aspect of organizations and the natural environment and must have been conducted by a ONE Division member. In addition, the dissertation must have been defended between May 1, 2024, and April 30, 2025, for this year's award. To apply for the award, and full consideration, please be sure that all items listed below are separately submitted via this link by April 30, 2025: ONE Dissertation Award Form.
- Dissertation title
- Dissertation summary (PDF or Word document of no more than 10 double-spaced pages or 3,000 words, in English, without author information)
- Author’s full name
- University name
- Department
- Successful defense date
- Committee members (please include positions and institutional affiliations)
- Author’s email address
- Notes (include any important caveats or conditions, such as whether the author was not the lead author on one or more chapters of the dissertation).
After receiving the applications, the Dissertation Award Committee will conduct a blind review of all the abstracts and select finalists for a more thorough second-round screening based on each candidate's full dissertation. The Awards Committee will contact finalists to request an anonymized PDF copy of the complete dissertation.
For consistency, the screening criteria for the initial and final screening will be the same as in previous years: relevance, scholarly contribution, theoretical and methodological rigor, as well as practical implications. Given these selection criteria, the committee suggests applicants submit abstracts that address each criterion.
The committee for the 2025 ONE Dissertation Award is formed by:
- Devin Stein, University of Alabama (Chair)
- Amanda Williams, IMD Business School
- Samuli Patala, Aalto University
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the ONE Dissertation Committee (including Dissertation Award Committee Chair, Devin Stein, and the ONE Awards Committee (through Chad Carlos.