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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Business Ethics in Chile

  • 1.  Postdoctoral Fellowship in Business Ethics in Chile

    Posted 07-31-2024 23:30
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    Dear Colleagues,


    I am glad to share with you this call for a postdoctoral fellowship in business ethics. The fellowship is offered by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) with the joint participation of the Institute of Applied Ethics (IAE), the School of Management (SM), and the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD). 


    The call is broad since we are hoping to initiate this track of research at UC. The proposed project should preferably focus on the following thematic areas: business ethics, corporate ethics, ethics in management, ethics for sustainability, ethics for market regulation, among others. The project will be carried out under the supervision of Professors Alejandra Marinovic (IAE) and Ignacio Pavez (SM and ISD).

    It offers excellent conditions for recent graduates or early-career academics who would like to work in Latin America, including travel and installation expenses for foreign researchers.

    The call has a tight deadline (August 23rd), but the application form is simple. Please see the atached documnent with the details of the call.


    We would appreciate it very much if you could spread this information to potential candidates or interested faculty. We would be happy to receive any questions at or


    Best wishes,


    Ignacio Pavez
    Assistant Professor
    Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile
