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Please volunteer as a reviewer for ONE!

  • 1.  Please volunteer as a reviewer for ONE!

    Posted 12-20-2024 08:17

    Please volunteer as a reviewer for the Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM). In 2025 the AOM will take place in Copenhagen and we welcome all the help we can get to ensure a great experience for all submitters. As a ONE reviewer you will receive only three papers to review in February. Your time will be much appreciated! Note you can at a maximum volunteer for two(!) divisions. So please make sure to review for ONE!

    Signup via the Reviewer Center:

    Read more about AOM reviewing here:

    Many thanks in advance!

    And if you plan to submit a paper, remember the deadline is 7 January 2024. You can submit your paper here:

    Best regards
    Kai Hockerts
    ONE Program Chair

    Kai Hockerts
    Copenhagen Business School