If you are interested in digitalization and responsible innovation, we would like to invite you to submit your work to "Responsible Innovation of Digitalization and the Digitalization of Responsible Innovation (Sub-theme 46)" track of the annual EGOS conference taking place in Athens, Greece from July 3-5, 2025. The full call can be seen here, here is a summary:
Digitalization simultaneously collects, analyses, and manipulates data on social interaction in real time, and significantly influences individual or collective behavior. A lot of creativity goes into new digital technologies and flows out of the use of digital tools resulting in innovations, with positive and negative effects. To date we are part of a ubiquitous societal transformation process that transcends borders and connects more and more people and social spaces via digital information and communication technologies (ICT), such as the Internet, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, machine learning etc. As a result, digitalization fundamentally changes social practices in the private, economic, and public life, and in human interactions with the natural environment. Yet, innovations need to be properly governed to do good to and avoid bad for people and planet (responsible innovation). Consequently, we aim to explore the beneficial and detrimental effects of digitalization and its systematic relationships with responsible innovation.
For short paper submissions (3,000 words by January 7th, 2025) see
https://www.egos.org/2025_Athens/SUB-THEMES_Call-for-Papers (scroll to sub-theme 46)
We look forward to receiving your submission,
Sub-theme 46 convenors
(Andreas Georg Scherer, University of Zurich, Zurich
Christian Voegtlin, ZHAW, Winterthur
Olga Hawn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)