Dear ONE Friends,
I am delighted to make user-friendly podcasts and videos available (several created using AI) addressing corporate social responsibility and sustainability research and practices. They are available on my YouTube channel: They are useful for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and also for teaching at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Below are a few examples:
· Learn about the evolution of the corporate social responsibility literature over the past 50 years, based on Rupp, D. E., Aguinis, H., Siegel, D., Glavas, A., & Aguilera, R. V. 2024. Corporate social responsibility research: An ongoing and worthwhile journey. Academy of Management Collections, 3(1): 1-16.
· How to prevent and minimize an unfair "CSR-washer" label, based on Martin, U. M., Thapa, U., & Aguinis, H. 2024. Punishing the good? How to minimize an unfair CSR-washing label. Business Horizons, 67(2): 199-207.
· Learn why how people perceive and engage with corporate social responsibility determines its success, based on Aguinis, H., Rupp, D. E., & Glavas, A. 2024. Corporate social responsibility and individual behavior. Nature Human Behavior, 8: 219-227.
· Understand corporate social responsibility from the perspective of individuals AND firms, based on Aguinis, H., Villamor, I., & Gabriel, K. P. 2020. Understanding employee responses to COVID-19: A behavioral corporate social responsibility perspective. Management Research, 18(4): 421-438.
· Why, how, and when CSR leads to improved employee emotions and reduced turnover, based on Ng, T. W. H., Yam, K. C., & Aguinis, H. 2019. Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility: Effects on pride, embeddedness, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 72(1): 107-137.
· CSR, sensemaking, and meaningfulness through work, based on Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. 2019. On corporate social responsibility, sensemaking, and the search for meaningfulness through work. Journal of Management, 45: 1057-1086.
· Enhancing CSR research and practices by integrating micro and macro Perspectives, based on Morgeson, F. P., Aguinis, H., Waldman, D. A., & Siegel, D. S. 2013. Extending corporate social responsibility research to the human resource management and organizational behavior domains: A look to the future. Personnel Psychology, 66(4): 805-824.
I hope you will find these resources useful. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
All the best,
Herman Aguinis, Ph.D.
Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar & Professor of Management
The George Washington University School of Business
Washington, DC