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ARCS Virtual Seminar Series 2024-2025

  • 1.  ARCS Virtual Seminar Series 2024-2025

    Posted 26 days ago


    It is with great pleasure that I announce this list of fascinating speakers in the virtual seminar series of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS) for this upcoming year. It is a great opportunity for all to learn about research-in-progress in corporate sustainability (the presentation is 20 mins long and Q&A is another 10 mins) and for all juniors out there (PhD students and junior faculty) to socialize with the speaker afterwards (the last 30 mins).

    Here is the list of speakers and dates of the virtual seminars (11am-12pm EST):

    Sep 6 Kerrigan Unter (HSG, Ivey/ARCS PhD best paper award winner) 

    Oct 4 Mark Desjardine (Tuck)

    Nov 1 Juliane Reinecke (Cambridge)

    Dec 6 Nilanjana Dutt (Bocconi)

    Jan 10 George Wernicke (HEC Paris)

    Feb 7 Sinziana Dorobantu (NYU)

    Mar 7 Lucca Berchicci (Rotterdam)

    Apr 4 Vanessa Burbano (Columbia)

    May 2 Hannah Schupfer (King's College, Ivey/ARCS PhD best paper award winner)

    Please register for the seminar here:

    Here is the information for our first seminar:

    Time and date: Sep 6th from 11-12 EST

    Title: Where do we go from here? Muddling through business adaptation to climate change 

    Presenter: Kerrigan Unter (HSG)

    Abstract: We study the interrelations among climate change-related extreme events, adaptation strategies, and product price performance within the California wine industry. Drawing upon the resource-based view of the firm, we formulate a hypothesis suggesting that the influence of climate change-related extreme events on product performance is mediated by the adaptation strategies employed by firms. Adaptation to climate change can be a source of differentiation advantage to firms. In this context, firms strategically adapt to the physical environment to secure access to vital natural resources amidst extreme climate change disturbances. Subsequently, these adaptive measures translate into enhanced product value, resulting in price premiums. To assess our hypotheses, we employ a sample comprising 50,156 wine-winery-year observations for 535 wineries, spanning the years 1981 to 2019, matched with wildfire events. Our results indicate that the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies can be a source of value, enabling them to produce products that can be sold at a price premium. We also suggest that firm climate change adaptation strategies mediate the relationship between climate change-related extreme events and product price.

    See you there!

    Best regards,
    Olga Hawn, PhD

    Associate Professor, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
    Sustainability Distinguished Fellow
    Faculty Director, Ackerman Center for Excellence in Sustainability
    UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
    Associate Editor, Strategic Management Journal